4 Signs You Have Adult ADD

Living with undiagnosed ADD comes with a host of symptoms that lead to difficulty with work, goals, and relationships. However, understanding if you have ADD symptoms is the first step to pursuing treatment and living a happier life.  Everything Is Everywhere The three core behavioral problems that occur with ADD are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. In addition, one of the primary symptoms of impulsiveness is disorganization.  Disorganization frequently presents itself as situations like messy desks, piled-up paperwork, and houses full of clutter. [Read More]

Open Adoption and Its Advantages for Birth Moms

The decision to give your baby up for adoption is not an easy one. And once you may that decision, you still have some other decisions to make, one of which is whether to pursue an open or closed adoption. Closed adoptions are not nearly as common as they once were, and that's because open adoption offers so many advantages for birth moms. Here's a look at some of those key advantages. [Read More]

See When Marriage Counseling Might Be Appropriate For You And Your Partner

Most people get married because they cannot imagine being closer to another person than they are to their partner. However, marriage life comes with many challenges. As a couple, you might reach a point where you start having a real challenge keeping the lines of open and honest communication open. This hitch is frustrating, and it might even make you want to quit your marriage life. However, before you do, consider seeing a professional marriage counselor since they will help you find a friendlier solution. [Read More]

How Can Marriage Therapy Help Your Relationship?

Your marital relationship can be a source of stability and comfort in happy times as well as difficult times. However, your marriage may also be a source of stress if there's strife in the relationship. Resolving conflicts on your own can be difficult. Fortunately, marriage therapists specialize in helping married couples overcome their differences. Here are four ways marriage therapy can help you build a more harmonious relationship with your spouse. [Read More]